Publishing Your App For Desktop

Preparing For Publish

Publish Using Visual Studio 2022

  • In the debugger toolbar drop-down, select the net9.0-desktop target framework
  • Once the project has reloaded, right-click on the project and select Publish
  • Select the Folder target for your publication then click Next
  • Select the Folder target again then Next
  • Choose an output folder then click Finish
  • The profile is created, you can now Close the dialog
  • In the opened editor, click Show all settings
  • Set Configuration to Release
  • Set Target framework to net9.0-desktop
  • You can set Deployment mode to either Framework-dependent or Self-contained
    • If Self-contained is chosen and you're targeting Windows, Target runtime must match the installed .NET SDK runtime identifier as cross-publishing self-contained WPF apps (e.g. win-x64 to win-arm64) is not supported for now.
  • You can set Target runtime, make sure it honors the above limitation, if it applies.
  • Click Save
  • Click Publish

Publish Using The CLI

On Windows/macOS/Linux, open a terminal in your csproj folder and run:

dotnet publish -f net9.0-desktop

If you wish to do a self-contained publish, run the following instead:

dotnet publish -f net9.0-desktop -r {{RID}} -p:SelfContained=true

Where {{RID}} specifies the chosen OS and Architecture (e.g. win-x64). When targeting Windows, cross-publishing to architectures other than the currently running one is not supported.


When building under Linux or macOS, you may need to add the following parameter -p:TargetFrameworks=net9.0-desktop for the publish command to succeed.

Windows ClickOnce

Uno Platform supports publishing desktop apps using ClickOnce to Windows environments.

In order to do so, you'll need to create a .pubxml file using Visual Studio, or to use the file below:

Create a file named Properties\PublishProfiles\ClickOnceProfile.pubxml in your project with the following contents:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- -->

    <!-- Those two lines below need to be removed when building using "UnoClickOncePublishDir" -->
    <!-- This section needs to be adjusted based on the target framework -->
    <BootstrapperPackage Include="Microsoft.NetCore.DesktopRuntime.8.0.x64">
      <ProductName>.NET Desktop Runtime 8.0.10 (x64)</ProductName>

Once done, you can use the following command in your CI environment, or using a Developer Command Prompt for Visual Studio:

msbuild /m /r /target:Publish /p:Configuration=Release /p:PublishProfile="Properties\PublishProfiles\ClickOnceProfile.pubxml" /p:TargetFramework=net9.0-desktop

The resulting package will be located in the bin\publish folder. You can change the output folder using /p:UnoClickOncePublishDir=your\output\directory.

Depending on your deployment settings, you can run the Setup.exe file to install the application on a machine.


At this time, publishing with the Visual Studio Publishing Wizard is not supported for multi-targeted projects. Using the command line above is required.